Events (BonusPoint)

In this file, you can modify the bonus points they will receive from events or by defeating monsters.



>Enable: Enable or disable the points system for events!
>Slot: (0: BloodCastle)
>Slot: (1: DevilSquare)
>Slot: (2: ChaosCastle)
>Slot: (3: IllisionTemple)
>Slot: (4: Crywolf)
>Slot: (5: DoubleGoer)
>Slot: (6: ImperialGuardian)
>WcoinC: WcoinC You will receive for winning the event.
>WcoinP: WcoinP You will receive for winning the event.
>GlobinPoint: GlobinPoint You will receive for winning the event.
>RuudCoin: RuudCoin You will receive for winning the event.
>DevoteGuild: Vote Points You will receive for winning the event for the clan.
>DevoteMember: Devote Points You will receive for winning the event for the clan member.
<Load Slot="0" WcoinC="0" WcoinP="20" GlobinPoint="0" RuudCoin="0" DevoteGuild="10" DevoteMember="2" />


>Enable: Activate or deactivate the point system for killing monsters!
>MonsterID: ID of the master which should kill.
>MapID: Map on which the monster is located.
>WcoinC: WCoinC That he will receive for killing the monster.
>WcoinP: WCoinP That he will receive for killing the monster.
>GlobinPoint: GlobinPoints That he will receive for killing the monster.
>RuudCoin: RuudCoin That he will receive for killing the monster.
>GuildScore: Guild Scores That he will receive for killing the monster.
>DevoteGuild: Devote Points You will receive for killing the monster for the clan.
>DevoteMember: Devote Points you will receive for killing the monster for the clan member.
<Load MonsterID="1" MapID="-1" WcoinC="3" WcoinP="5" GlobinPoint="8" RuudCoin="2" GuildScore="5" DevoteGuild="10" DevoteMember="1" />