LuaScript (Interface CALL)

InterfaceController.MainProc() -> render the interface

InterfaceController.BeforeMainProc() -> render the interface before the original interface like "C" "V", etc...

InterfaceController.ClientProtocol(Packet, PacketName) -> receive game server packets

InterfaceController.MainProcWorldKey() -> detect when a key on the keyboard is pressed

InterfaceController.ScrollMouse(value) -> detect when the mouse scroll value is > 0 (up) or < 0 (down)

InterfaceController.InterfaceClickRightEvent() -> detect right mouse click

InterfaceController.InterfaceClickEvent() -> detect mouse click

InterfaceController.UpdateProc() -> update used to detect mouse functions in the interface, etc.

InterfaceController.UpdateMouse() -> specifically for detecting things on the mouse that can be used in the interface

InterfaceController.UpdateKey() -> specifically for detecting key presses

InterfaceController.PlayerDraw() -> when you want to render something on the player, like a health bar

InterfaceController.FinalBoot() -> if you want to load any images, etc., use this

InterfaceController.LoadImages() -> when images are loaded in the main program, this function is called

EXAMPLE: I want to print "Hello World" on the screen: (Test.lua)

function InterfaceProc()

SetTextBg(0, 0, 0, 200)

SetTextColor(255, 255, 255, 255)

RenderText2(250, 275, "Hello World", ALIGN_LEFT)
