LuaScript (Interface Funciones)

  • RenderImage(ImageID, x, y, width, height) -> render image

  • RenderImage2(ImageID, x, y, width, height, u, v, uwidth, vheight, scale, startscale, alpha) -> render image with specific definitions

  • RenderText(text, x, y, width, color, align) -> render text color need be RGBA

  • RenderText2(x, y, string, size, align) -> render text align size

  • RenderText3(x, y, string, align) -> render text align

  • CheckWindowOpen(windowID) -> return 1 if window is open, you can see number of window in Defines.lua

  • CloseWindow(windowID) -> close window opening

  • OpenWindow(windowID) -> open window

  • EnableAlphaTest() -> used when you are rendering images and text

  • DisableAlphaBlend() -> used to terminate EnableAlphaTest()

  • glColor3f(r, g, b) -> set color

  • glColor4f(r, g, b, a) -> set color rgba

  • DrawBar(x, y, width, height) -> draw bar like party bar

  • SetBlend() -> enable blend

  • GLSwitchBlend() -> enable switch blend

  • GLSwitch() -> open gl switch

  • EndDrawBar() -> used to terminate DrawBar

  • MousePosX() -> return mouse position X

  • MousePosY() -> return mouse position Y

  • SetFontType(type) -> set font type: 1 = Bold, 2 = Big, 0 = normal

  • SetTextBg(r, g, b, a) -> set text bg

  • SetTextColor(r, g, b, a) -> set text color

  • SetLockInterfaces() -> lock interface click need use in UpdateMouse

  • SetUnlockInterfaces() -> unlock interface click

  • LockPlayerWalk() -> lock player walk in map

  • UnlockPlayerWalk() -> unlock player walk

  • CheckRepeatKey(key) -> return 1 if key is repeat you can see number of keys in Defines.lua

  • CheckPressedKey(key) -> return 1 if key is pressed you can see number of keys in Defines.lua

  • CheckReleasedKey(key) -> return 1 if key is drop you can see number of keys in Defines.lua

  • CheckClickClient() -> check if player click

  • DisableClickClient() -> disable click client this can block click in interface

  • CreateItem(x, y, width, height, ItemIndex, level, ancient, unknow) -> render item on the screen or interface

  • ShowItemDescription(x, y, ItemIndex, level, op1, op2, op3, durability, exc, ancient) -> render description item on the screen or interface

  • ShowDescriptionComplete(x, y, level, op1, op2, op3, exc, ancient, joh, sockbonus, sock1, sock2, sock3, sock4, sock5)

  • CreateGuildMark(markIndex) -> create guild mark "image"

  • CheckDistance(arrayIndex, distance) -> check distance of the another player or monster

  • getFPS() -> return fps of the client

  • getPingms() -> return ping ms from server

  • GetImageWidth(imageID) -> return real width from main of the image

  • GetImageHeight(imageID) -> return real height from main of the image

  • LuaOpenMenuGame(Type, ID) -> Open Menu (MainInfo) [Type (0 Classic, 1 Upgrade), ID (MenuID)]

  • ReturnWideScreenX() -> Returns position X based on widescreen