LuaScript (Packet Client-GameServer)
CreatePacket(packetName, packet) -> create packet for send main
SetDwordPacket(packetName, position) -> set value dword
GetDwordPacket(packetName, position) -> get value dword
SetWordPacket(packetName, position) -> set value word
GetWordPacket(packetName, position) -> get value word
SetBytePacket(packetName, position) -> set value byte
GetBytePacket(packetName, position) -> get value byte
SetCharPacket(packetName, string) -> set a string with a maximum of 10 characters
GetCharPacket(packetName, position) -> get string
SetCharPacketLength(packetName, string, length) -> set a string the size you set
GetCharPacketLength(packetName, string, length) -> get a string
SendPacket(packetName, aIndex) -> send packet for player
ClearPacket(packetName) -> always when you create a packet you need clear!