LuaScript (GameServer)

NOTE: in some cases aIndex can be used by Monster and Player!

LogAdd(string) -> print log in GameServer

SendMessage(string, aIndex, type) -> send message for player by aIndex

SendMessageGlobal(string, type) -> send message for all players

MoneySend(aIndex, Money) -> send for client value of your money

LevelUpSend(aIndex) -> update character information of "c"

PkLevelSend(aIndex, level) -> send player pk level

GetIndex(name) -> return aIndex by Name

Teleport(aIndex, map, x, y) -> move player for map and coords

TeleportMap(aIndex, range) -> teleport player in some rand coord (work only on the map player is on)

CloseChar(aIndex, type) -> can disconnect player or move for select char or select server depends of type

SkillSend(aIndex) -> update skill on client player

ViewportCreate(aIndex) -> create a new viewport for player

GetTick() -> return tickcount of gameserver

TrocarBauPlayer(aIndex, VaultID) -> change vault of player

AddMonster(map) -> add a monster to the map and return MonsterIndex

SetPositionMonster(MonsterIndex, map) -> put monster on map

SetMonster(MonsterIndex, Class) -> set class on monster

SetMapMonster(MonsterIndex, map, x, y) -> set monster map and coords x, y

gObjDel(aIndex) -> del monster or player

gObjMonsterTopHitDamageUser(MonsterIndex) -> return aIndex of top player hit on monster

ItemSerialCreate(aIndex, map, x, y, ItemIndex, Level, dur, op1, op2, op3, exc) -> create item, if you use map 236 will create on inventory

InventoryDeleteItem(aIndex, slot) -> delete the player's inventory item from the chosen slot

SendInventoryDeleteItem(aIndex, slot) -> update delete item on client player

ItemListSend(aIndex) -> send list item of inventory for player client

GetWarehouseList(aIndex) -> send list item of warehouse for player client

ChatTargetSend(aIndex, string, MonsterIndex) -> send chat message like "NPC"

CalCharacter(aIndex) -> update character calc GameServer

LifeUpdate(aIndex) -> Send client life of player

ManaUpdate(aIndex) -> Send cliente mana of player

NextExpCalc(aIndex) -> Calc next experience for player

SetBP(aIndex) -> Calc BP on gameserver for player

MakePreview(aIndex) -> Update preview on GameServer

ResetSkills(aIndex) -> Reset skill list of player

ClearViewPort(aIndex) -> delete viewport

StateInfoSend(aIndex, state, effect) -> send state effect for main

LevelExperience(level) -> get experience by level

RefreshCharacter(aIndex) -> Refresh character infos on client

FireWorks(aIndex, map, x, y) -> drop fireworks, if you use -1 in aIndex it will drop on the map and coordinate x, y

GetMapAttr(map, x, y, att) -> get the map attribute and coordinate that a player is in, the attributes are: 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16

gObjAdd(Socket, IpAddres, aIndex) -> Add player on gameserver, you can see example in BootSystem.lua

CharacterInfoSend(aIndex, name) -> Send character infor for DataServer, you can see example in BootSystem.lua

AccountInfoSend(aIndex, account, IpAddress) -> log account on joinserver, you can see example in BootSystem.lua

gObjSetPosition(aIndex, x, y) -> set position of player

MoveObject(aIndex) -> send move for client by coord x and y of player or monster or boot

InserCounter(aIndex, slot, skills) -> insert count of "kills" or "resets" or something you config on system

DecreaseCounter(aIndex, slot, skills) -> decrease count of "kills" or "resets" or something you config on system

UpdateCounter(aIndex) -> send client update of count

ClearAllBuff(aIndex) -> delete all buff of player

CheckBuffPlayer(aIndex, effect) -> return 1 if player have buff "effect" is the number of effects on effects.txt

InventoryCheckSpaceByItem(aIndex, ItemIndex) -> return 1 if inventory have space for item you want put

ResetQuest(aIndex) -> reset quest of player

gObjIsConnectedGP(aIndex) -> return 1 if player is online and playing

gObjCheckOffAttack(aIndex) -> return 1 if player has in off attack

gObjCheckOffStore(aIndex) -> return 1 if player has in off store

DamageSend(aIndex, TargetIndex, isreflet, damage, damagetype, shieldDamage) -> you can send animation "damage" on player

KillPlayer(aIndex) -> kill the player, will do the animation etc

AddEffect(aIndex, type, effectID, count, value1, value2, value3, value4) -> add effect on player, effectID = you can see in effects.txt folder Data, count = timer in seconds

RemoveEffect(aIndex, effectID) -> remove effect of the player

TeleportMapRange(aIndex, map, x, y, range) -> teleport the player on the map next to the range coordinate

MoveGate(aIndex, gateIndex) -> move player based on gateIndex = gate.txt

DestroyParty(PartyNumber) -> destroy party

GetMemberCountParty(PartyNumber) -> return number of member in party

CreateParty(aIndex) -> create party

AddMemberParty(PartyNumber, aIndex) -> add member in party

GCPartyResultSend(aIndex, result) -> send main player result party: 2 = fail

GCPartyDelMemberSend(aIndex) -> send main player member removed from party

GCPartyListSend(aIndex) -> send main player list party

IsLeaderParty(PartyNumber, aIndex) -> return 1 if player if leader of the party

IsMemberParty(PartyNumber, aIndex) -> return 1 if is member of the party

IsParty(PartyNumber) -> return 1 if party exist

GetMemberIndexParty(PartyNumber, number) -> number 0 to 4, returns the party number index

GetStackItem(ItemIndex) -> return > 0 if item is stack

GetInventoryEmptySlotCount(aIndex) -> return number of empty slot in inventory

GetInventoryItemCount(aIndex, ItemIndex, Level) -> return number of itens in inventory of the player, level -1 = any level