LuaScript (GameServer to Lua)
NOTE: this part is the documentation that has the gameserver's functions that pass to the lua. these functions you can "hook" in your own lua
OBS: in this documentation only the functions that come from the gameserver will be placed, there are several scripts that use most of these functions so you just have to look in the scripts that you will have an "example"
Example i want check if player kill a monster so i can use like this:
function CheckMonsterDie(aIndex, TargetIndex)
local player =
local monster = monster:getClass() == 500
SendMessageGlobal(string.format('Player %s kill monster %s', player:getName(), monster:getName()), 1)
GameServerFunctions.PlayerDropItem(aIndex, x, y, slot)
When player drop item call this function and return "slot" with the slot you can get with "Inventory" class and know what item is, you can see example in DropSystem.lua!
When CalCharacter player is updates, call this function and you can increase defense, attack, etc...
GameServerFunctions.MonsterDie(Player, Monster)
When monster die, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.MonsterDieGiveItem(Player, Monster)
When monster drop item, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.PlayerDie(aIndex, TargetIndex)
When player die, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.PlayerAttack(aIndex, TargetIndex)
When player are attacking, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.PlayerSendTrade(aIndex, TargetIndex)
When player send trade for another, this function is called
When player receive level up, this function is called
When player equip some ring, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.PlayerTradeOk(aIndex, TargetIndex)
When player click "ok" on trade, this function is called
When player logout of game, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.GuildWarProc(GuildName1, GuildPoints1, GuildName2, GuildPoints2)
When guild are in "war", this function is called
When player log on game, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.CharacterMove(aIndex, map, x, y)
When player teleport, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.PlayerMove(aIndex, map, x, y, sx, sy)
When player has walking on map, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.RunningSkill(aIndex, TargetIndex, SkillNumber)
When player has attacking, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.NpcTalk(NpcIndex, PlayerIndex)
When player talk with npc, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.PlayerSellItem(aIndex, slot)
When player try sell item, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.PlayerRepairItem(aIndex, slot)
When player repair some item, this function is called
When player try walk, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.PlayerMoveItem(aIndex, SourceSlot, TargetSlot, Type)
When player move item, this function is called
When player open vault, this function is called
When player declare war, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.PlayerUseItem(aIndex, SourceSlot, TargetSlot)
When player use item with right click, this function is called
When player close vault , this function is called
When player try open personal shop, this function is called
When player close personal shop, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.PlayerCanEquipItem(aIndex, SourceSlot, TargetSlot)
When player try equip item, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.GameServerProtocol(aIndex, Packet, PacketName)
When player receive packet custom of client, this function is called
GameServerFunctions.PlayerAttackFenrirSkill(aIndex, TargetIndex)
When player user skill fenrir on target, this function is called
When player die and you set type 5, this function is called
When monster is reloaded, this function is called