Character (BuyVip)

  • NOTE: In this section, you will learn how to configure BuyVip for the MenuInterface system.

Menu BuyVip


Config MuServer


Index: 0 = Vip1 - AL1 - Vip Bronze
Index: 1 = Vip2 - AL3 - Vip Plata
Index: 2 = Vip3 - AL2 - Vip Oro
Exp+: Increase in Exp that you will have when you get this vip.
Drop+: Increase in Drop that you will have when you get this vip.
Days: Days that the VIP will last when buying.
Coin1: Amount of WcoinC that will be removed from the user at purchase.
Coin2: Amount of WcoinP that will be removed from the user at purchase.
Coin3: Amount of GlobinPoint that will be removed from the user at purchase.
VipName: Vip type name Assigned.

  • This is what you will charge and receive for buying the vip, to modify what you will see in the menu: Click Here.